Monday, 19 October 2015

Term 4 Newsletter

Room 26.Term Newsletter: Term 4 2015
Hi everyone,
We have a few exciting events to look forward to this term as our focus is Education Outside the Classroom.

Wainui Camp: 
Our annual camp is Wk 9, Mon 7th – Wed 9th December. We will be attending with Rms 25 & 27. Wainui is a terrific place for a school camp. The activities that we will do are tied into the unique environment that Wainui 
offers. Kayaking, coasteering, archery, hiking and orienteering will be timetabled for all. 
The instructors who will be working with the children are experienced and fun. A Camp 
booklet will  be sent out soon with information about accommodation, camp programme, 
transport lists\etc.  
Children will be bringing home ‘Runathon’ forms soon seeking sponsorship. The $$ collected will go into a communal pool to alleviate costs for all. 
If you would like to discuss any camp details please let me know.

Beach Ed Y5 / Sailing Y6: 
These are also annual events that we run at the end of the year.  The Y5 children build upon the experiences they had in Beach Ed, as Y1 & 3 pupils. 
Sailing, using optimist yachts, is hosted by Sailing Canterbury at Lake Rua (near the airport). The experiences gained by the Y6 children, is invaluable for confidence building and  fun, doing an activity that is rarely available. 

It’s a very busy Term and it usually goes far too fast, as our Y6’s leave for intermediate and our Y5’s will become our seniors of the school.

A special welcome to Nikau for Term 4.

Check the blog for photos of the showcase and any updates for the term.

Inclass Learning:

Maths: Topic is aspects of geometry and statistics. We will continue to work on rich mathematical tasks that involve drawing on all math knowledge to solve problems and answer mathematical questions. Lots of Timetables and number knowledge work continues.

Reading – Guided reading using fiction texts based on a programme by Hilton Ayrey. Specific work on Comprehension and word meaning independent SRA. Literacy fitness programme for Word study.

Writing – Narrative texts. The focus will be on enriched vocabulary, with more specific detail. Developing great characters and storylines. A focus on paragraphing continues.

Spelling – Individual topic lists

PE – Fitness, Athletics, Net & Wall, Striking & Fielding

Summer Health: Hats are compulsory this term. Please ensure there is a school hat available for their use everyday. Apply sunscreen and please provide a drink bottle for inclass so we can get plenty water.

Home Learning: for a wide range of homework tasks. Particular subject based Literacy and Maths it has plenty other subject areas too.
Maths: Use the web page to work on specific subjects areas. Xtables: I’ll be testing a mix of 2 lists. Eg 2’s and 3’s, 6’s and 7’s etc. I’ll complete these in homework books so you can see strengths and what to continue to work on.
Reading: Read every night. Record on log, after each novel or book is completed (back of homework books.)
Spelling: Weekly words to learn continues; Starts week 2.

Heres the important dates each week.

Week 1
Monday Powhiri 9.30am
Friday Saveloy Sausages.

Week 2:
Friday Summer comp starts: Cricket, Touch, Teeball and Volleyball for selected players, we bus to Sth Hagley 1-2.30 for 7 weeks. (any parents available to supervise a team? 1.15- 2 please let me know)

Week 3:
Monday Labour weekend no school.
Athletics Day . Wednesday 28th Oct. (pp date Tue 3rd Nov)
Festival Choir on Thursday.

Friday =  a Disco

Week 4
 Sushi lunch

Week 5:
Friday: Show Day no school.

Week 6:
Zone Athletics Wednesday 18th Nov. 
Wednesday and or Thursday is Heaton Assessments for Y6.
Friday Sushi

Week 7:
Beach Ed for Y5’s (Tue or wed)
Parent camp info meeting. Wednesday RM 27@5pm
Friday Certificate assembly for Road patrol, Pal and Athletics

Week 8:
Monday farewell to Mr Williams.
Tuesday Y6’s Sailing @ Lake Rua, (May need transport)
Wednesday is Canterbury Athletics.
Friday. VIP morning tea.

Week 9:
CAMP WEEK. Wainui. Details will follow. We will need some parent transporters there and back if you are available let me know.

Week 10: 2 days; End of year reports will be available on STaR.
Monday is Leavers Assembly at St Margaret’s hall 1pm -2.30. Year 6 leavers dinner 5.30pm
Tuesday 15th Dec: SCHOOL FINISHES AT 12.30. “Merry Christmas to you all” Contact me at any time.

Thanks Dionne.

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